12- 14 carrots

3 Tablespoons of Olive Oil or Avocado Oil

3/4 teaspoons of each of the following: kosher salt, pepper and dill weed


Serves 4

  1. Peel the carrots. Slice the top and the bottom ends off.  Cut a thin slice to begin the square cut of the carrot lengthwise, continue with the other 3  sides of carrots. Cut in half, then cut into  long strips, about ½ inch wide. You can cut into any shape that you like.  I love the look of the long carrot for this recipe. 
  2. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.  If you have a convection oven, set on the roast setting. Make sure that the oven racks are just below the center of the oven. 
  3. Using a half sheet pan, layer with tin foil. Line the carrots on the pan.  
  4. Drizzle the oil of your choice over the top. 
  5. Measure the Kosher salt, pepper and the dill weed into a small ramekin. Stir and sprinkle over top of the carrots and oil.
  6. Using tongs mix the oil and spices. Layer them flat.
  7. Roast the vegetables for 20 minutes, or until browned and tender.  
  8. Toss the carrots.  Taste test to make sure that you have the carrots seasoned how you like them.

  • NOTES: Carrots can be cut into any shape.
  • If using fresh dill weed, use about 1 – 2 Tablespoons.