PREP NOTES: Preparing the butter/oil with the freshly minced garlic ahead of time, adds an extra layer of flavor to this tasteful green bean dish.


1 Tablespoon of Butter

2 Tablespoons of Olive Oil

1 teaspoon fresh minced Garlic

1 8-ounce container of Portobello mushrooms

1 12-ounce package of fresh greens beans

1/2 teaspoons of each: garlic powder, kosher salt & pepper


Serves 4 

  1.  Prep this part as early as 2 – 24 hour hours ahead of time, it makes all the difference in the flavor of this recipe. In a small sized ramekin melt the butter, then add the Olive Oil & minced fresh garlic. Stir. Cover with plastic.  Leave on the counter until you are ready to assemble this side dish. 
  2. Take the stems off, then rinse & slice the mushrooms.
  3. Rinse & cut off the ends of a 12 ounce package of fresh green beans.  
  4. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. If you have a convection oven, place on a convection roast setting. 
  5. Place parchment over a large jelly roll pan. 
  6. Layer the green beans and the mushrooms on the jelly roll pan. 
  7. Sprinkle over the top the garlic powder, kosher salt & pepper.
  8. Melt the infused butter/oil and garlic mixture for 20 seconds in the microwave.  Stir, then drizzle over the top of the green beans and mushrooms.  With tongs, mix well.  
  9. Roast in the pre-heated oven for 20 – 25 minutes, stir after the first 10 minutes. Roast until vegetables are at the doneness level desired.  Serve immediately.

  • NOTES:  The green beans can be substituted for asparagus or brussel sprouts.  You could also add 1 can of water chestnuts or pearl onions to this recipe.